For a full list of accommodations in Frontenac, visit our Business Directory. In the meantime, if you're looking for hotel-style accommodations or bed and breakfasts, these Frontenac Ambassadors will go out of their way to make sure you have everything you need while you stay in #inFrontenac:
- Fernleigh Lodge, Fernleigh
- Sharbot Lake Country Inn, Sharbot Lake
- Rockhill Bed & Breakfast, Sharbot Lake
- Sumac Centre, Mountain Grove
- The Linden Tree B&B, Sydenham
- Holiday Country Manor, Battersea
- Loughborough Inn, Battersea
- Hotel Wolfe Island, Wolfe Island
- The Blue Moose Bed & Breakfast, Wolfe Island
- Clarendon Station, train station, Clarendon Station
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